Sterling Heights, MI - TMJ Dentist - Dynamic Dental

TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder

If you notice the following symptoms, you may have a TMD:
  • Pain in your jaw
  • Popping or clicking noise when you open your mouth
  • Aching pain in or around your ear
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Pain in your face
  • Difficulty opening or closing your mouth
The main cause of TMJ issues is a problem with your temporomandibular joints. They’re located on both sides of your head, around the location of your ears. They’re essential for proper jaw movement and when there’s a disorder, everyday actions can hurt. Your joint can become damaged or weakened in several ways. Some of the most common ways include an injury to the area, due to bruxism (teeth grinding), or arthritis wearing down the cartilage or bone.
Dr. Tamara is also board certified and trained to serve those patients who are suffering from temporomandibular (jaw) related disorders causing head, neck and facial pain. Here at Dynamic Dental, we conduct a thorough assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with facial pain and migraines. Dr. Tamara can provide you with effective treatment in a variety of ways. She can create a custom oral appliance for you to relieve your pain as well as provide other methods for learning how to relax your jaw, through the therapeutic use of Botox. Sometimes, malocclusion, in which the teeth don’t line up for the proper bite can cause TMJ pain. Treatment for this would be Invisalign to first fix the issue which will alleviate jaw pain.
TMJ issues don’t usually go away on their own. It’s best to get an examination of your jaw so you can start improving your TMD sooner and reduce your risk of serious issues. If you are suffering from any of these issues, stop in for a consultation so that Dr. Tamara can determine the issues you are having and develop an effective treatment plan for you that addresses your pain and leads to a peaceful sleep at night.

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